April 25, 2010

your hands in mine, explosion in the sky

yea, long title. teehee~

...and we laughed and cried and yawned and danced and sang. not because we felt these things, not at first, not because we were particularly happy or sad or tired or joyful, but only because on that night everything was so contagious. so catching. like red and blue germs transmitted but sticky fingers, body to body, mouth to mouth. but feelings are a parasite and we soon become all those things we werent before: joy, fatigue, sadness, happiness. every word was electricity sparking from tree to tree. glitter fell from our bodies when we moved, tickling our noses and making us sneeze. but it was only visible in moonlight, much like how the beams of afternoon sunlight shining through the kitchen windows would illuminate the swirling dust motes, floating in the air. our frantic hands fanned whirlwinds of glitter up toward the sky. it went slowly up and up until its velocity diminished and it rained back down on our heads, just to go through the same cycle once more.

these, and so much more. always.

ps: fantasy can be so uplifting sometimes : ) thought-provoking fantasies all the more...


  1. "the beams of afternoon sunlight shining through the kitchen windows would illuminate the swirling dust motes, floating in the air." punya cantik ni perumpamaan, omg, i used to hate to see this kinda dust every morning perhaps, next time i'll use the other way around to look at this situation :)

  2. my very random and nonsensical thoughts la. thanks for reading XD


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