April 21, 2010


being misunderstood, is clearly not the best feeling in the world. dont you think?

owh, back in the old times i used to have so many different hairstyles and ways to do my hair.now it seems that i have none. it is either up or down. pfft. talk about being boring.

i used to love making my hair pretty. well, depends on how you view pretty, but i just wanted to try a lotta different ways to do it. some of the times it was a bit weird, but some of the times i think it makes me happy just to have accomplished a weird and hard-to-do hairdo. it made my day, back then.

lets go to the playground again one day. and try on all the swings and see-saws and all that. it has been a while since i have really had fun. and i dread to go another day being an adult. adulthood suck-big-time! maybe i'll just do a ponytail again tomorrow to work. i have done ballerina bun today. yesterday was freestyle-hair-down all the way with these loose curls. so yes, tomorrow a ponytail? hmm....


  1. omg, is this wht an adolescent wajib lalui ka? napa mcm ur every prob pun sy tengah hadapi ni? ya, i used to have so mny hairstyle jg tau, ive got alot of + & - comments from buddies, teachers & even lecturers too :P i don't mind being different, s long s i feel comfortable with my own crown :P huahua~ skrg, urgh, people start calling me uncle, FML~ urgh. ya being adult, SUCK-BIG-TIME!!!

  2. haha same! lol. nice bha. better than having the same face everyday. but now im almost the same plain elaine everyday. fml too. grown-ups. pfft~


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