April 03, 2010

to do

tell me what do you do when you get to a dead end in a situation and everybody else just freezes and plays silent treatment? i react the worst when being ignored, and i find that i couldnt function so well under pressure of being yelled at or in similar situations. maybe then i should just get used to being quiet, and not be so talkative to certain people from now on. or maybe i should just continue talking to myself (yes, i do. pfft).

so, yea, what would you do?

1 comment:

  1. I would light a joint. Hehe. I'd try to rationalize the situation and try understanding things in other people's perspective. Then, I'd light another joint. Hahahaha.

    I've realized recently that the more I understand things - whether it's people's personality or the way things work (like maths, for example) - the more I feel comfortable with dealing with them. Lack of understanding leads to fear.

    P.s I talk to myself all the time too. Sometimes I talk to myself in the mirror. Try it! It's fun! :D


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