April 05, 2010

some because*

because i like this feeling. because the sweetness in your voice makes my skin bump. because i fancy casual conversation and you always understood my desire to be alone with you. because i understand your body. because i trust your instincts. because you call at all the right times. because you just needed to talk to me before anything. because you inspire me. because you say the most ordinary things. because you introduced me to all of your family on our second date XD. because you were fearless about getting into the water, and fearless in about literally anything at all. because you made me wear your ugly sweater even though i wasnt cold. because they said it would never work, and it didn't. but we wanted it to. because you sucked on my fingers. because you taught me a lot of how to. because i love hands that are bigger than mine. because we both drive each other crazy. because you are the most thoughtful person i have ever met and it never feels forced or fake. because you cant wait to hear what i think all the time. because you made me maggi mee and it is the best maggi in the whole wide world. because the world seem square when im with you. because we sat on the sand at the beach and you convinced me that you would be the one to fix my life. because your smell makes me insane. because you whisper the softest things in my ear when i was insecure. because you always surprise me. because you would never quit laughing. because you held my hand the entire drive home from work. because i have no choice better than you. because just the thought of you makes me smile and giggle. because i wrote, life was never as good without you. because you were brilliant and awesome and you still chose me. because of so many other things that only we know and shares.

because you are the only one.

ps: truth#1- that sweater wasnt ugly at all.

pps: truth#2- i dislike maggi. but your maggi is still the best :P

ppps: truth#3- i love you!

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