April 24, 2010

honey stars*

people from the future, or right now;

just a little message for you, for i just wanna say what i had thought about real friendship :)

i wanna get to know both sides of you.
yes, both, or all if you have more.

i dont want to meet a person knowing only their good side. i dont want to have to face that person one day when they unleash their other side. which is the bad side. i can take both sides just one at a time. dont hide your personality from me. i have more than one side of me too, you know. you are not alone. when you are sad, tell me you are sad. when you are happy, tell me you are happy. when you need a shoulder to cry on while venting, you better friggin' tell me. owh ya, dont kiss up either. that isnt good way to start a friendship. just you know, be real. (:

ps: ..and yea, darling you showed me the best of both worlds. i appreciate that. ( although sometimes i feel feel like screaming my lungs out at you! XD i love you still )


  1. ko ni, bukan senang ba trus to show true color, 1st impression kn? tp mcm kita ni, sdh knal lama, pun masing2 nda tau cemana nakal da other side of us kn? lol~

  2. yes, true la. but still, if the friendship is for real and is meant to be long-term, then it should be genuine and straight-to-the-point type kan? why hide your true colors if you have to face somebody for the rest of your life? that is so tiring...


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)