April 21, 2010


lately, no, always actually, i have been easily frustrated over things that doesnt go my way, or when things upsets me.

everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world. and that nobody loves them now. and that nobody will ever love them. and that they will never have a decent night's sleep ever again. and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve. but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. (maybe it is just me, pfft) well, i am having those nights now. more than before. there is much love in my life, i guess. but sometimes things just dont add up, and i feel so upset for no reason. reason being i just feel down for reasons that only my heart understands and my head cannot comprehend.

the best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that having another person awake will make the feeling more bearable.

i know, selfish right? when i was young, i would always run to my parents room when i am afraid or just freaked myself out of nothing. i might get scolding for being ridiculous sometimes, but i didnt care. but i figured im old enough to not bug them now. so at times like this now, normally i will just poke or nudge my sister. a sound, or a move from her relieves me a lot. when there is just nobody...

ps: i always wish you would know how i feel...


  1. laine, dun worry, ure not alone, i owez having those nite, for more than half of ages, period. betul! im not s lucky s u la, ada adik can kacau, my adik pompuan, + i sleep in my own room ba, so usually i jz sit on my bed, staring on a random object, thn my mind start to travel outer space, sometimes tersenyum sendiri, but mostly ended up with tears, nobody wants to be alone. trust me, whn u sleep early, wake up early, it surely will improve ur life quality, ive owez wanted to try but never got da opportunity. fml~ haha

  2. sleep early and wake up early? lagi la lonely, nobody does that around me. lol. but yea, maybe i should change my cycle. :) you shud wake me next time. it's okay :)


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)