June 17, 2010

epic fail

reality does not make sense.
i only wanna see beautiful thing.

…i have this strange feeling that im not myself anymore. it is hard to put into words, but i guess it is like i was fast asleep, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. that sort of feeling. i seem to be addicted to something that does not exist. i am embarked upon withdrawal, and i am very fearful of what withdrawal symptoms will be. how very ridiculous is that?

every so often, i wake up in the morning and just think that i could not make it. but then, i would laugh, and think to myself how many times have i felt this way and still wake up every other morning...


  1. I get that feeling almost every morning too :)

  2. that is not a good thing to have a smile about, Khabil :)


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)