January 26, 2010

what is your story?

those who knows me well must have realized that i can be spectacularly moody and may lash out with a sharp tongue if an affront be perceived. but you can be assured that if the cases are well-presented and  a person is trustworthy, i will respond well with slow but steady approach. that, is me. but at times, times when i am the one talking. otherwise, it could be somebody else ;) in my spastic times of constant posts, several times a day, provoked by the sudden urge to say some things- i figured that a decided splurge of words sometimes is far better than the occasional unintentional splurge on material matters.

sometimes i think my only friend is the city i live in. sometimes i believe, there is nobody out there. sometimes i feel like that. sometimes i take myself to a place just to feel a presence, a sun ray, or a cool breeze. i would like to see a Christmas tree on random days of the year, and getting wet on a sunny day just for kicks. what is life if it is meant to be ordinary for everybody? maybe, just maybe i am a baby in an adult's body. maybe, i suggest we all gather round and sing auld lang syne at the end of each day (since a day lost isnt gonna come back again, why is it only sang during NYE or so?) i would rather sit on a wicker chair out in the garden smelling flowers and listening to the crisp falling leaves on a normal day, and not sit on a swiveling chair with the clicking sound of the mouse all around me. like this, i say i still do not understand the world around me. as i cannot say a thing for sure of myself, i do not understand another thing as well. i guess that is fair then. trying to understand the whole world is a crazy thing. trying to understand about this self, is essential. i am going round and round, like a merry go round that forever has no destination. just round and round and round. but happily turns and circles, till the very stop button is pressed by the mighty one above...

so what is it about you?

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