January 12, 2010

muse wrang-ling*

i do not know what i appear to the world, but what i do know is that i do divert myself off attention pretty well, and hops on to fun pretty fast. these city walls have seen me grow, sad, and lol. these roads have path my way to where i am now.

i cannot understand the philosophy behind silence is consent.

i am a huge procrastinator. i remember, but i tend to put things aside and come back to it again a lot later. i just do, for no apparent reason.

i let people walk all over me, sometimes, like-literally.

i dont like poverty, and every bit of evil that develops from it.

i sway a lot, like daisy in the field blown by the wind. but i will stand my grounds, right till the day death brings me down. that is what i hold on to, sort of.

what do you feel about yourself most of the times? how do you see things around you?

let us share...

1 comment:

  1. How do I feel about myself? Erm.. Regardless of all my insecurities, I love who I am. I've been told I talk too much. Too much of anything is always a bad thing, but I'm sure people will be missing me when the awkward silences sets in Muahahahaha.

    I TRY not to be judgemental. It's not easy. I often forget, but when I do remember, I'd tell myself what a friend of mine told me; 'everyone deserves the benefit of a doubt'.


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)