January 15, 2010

forgotten flame

i have a secret.

for all my effervescence, gregarious perspective and openness, sometimes I get a little worked up over the co-mingling of friends. drifting these days, me. of late, i find mingling is like lunch box with compartments i had for recess in elementary school. it kept my gravy filled portion from that dry part that fills my rice, and the overcooked(due to hours in the lunchbox) steamed vege.

because sometimes id like to take it all separately, all by itself. sometimes the gravy tastes great with a couple leaves of vegetable. sometimes id enjoy mixing it all in a big, colorful mess.

but sometimes, the introduction of one group of people to another leads to nothing good.
thus, i guess i prefer keeping most of my social circles apart because they appeal to different sides of my personality. that explains a lot eyyh.

today, sipping hot chocolate and seeing people pass by would do me more pleasure than a gather-round big crowd of human comparing names and statures. im definitely all grown up, but just havent completely figured out what that means.

yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream...

ps: may your inspiration be many liberation from whatever that is holding you back from your future. hmm, does this sentence make any sense to you? it does to me. happy work-day! (yayyy! it is friday!!!!!!!!)

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