January 16, 2010

backseat goodbye*

...that mellow tune from the radio soothes its passengers, with cool breeze gently combing through hair smelling sweet of midnight dew and flowers. who would have thought that this could be goodbye. who would have thought that this could be the parting of the impossibles. next time, dont even bother giving tell-tale signs or obvious hints. because those are only going to make things harder, and worse, just worse.

im still in a state of shock, having an unintended silence for a while there. and practically leaving my brain self-process(isnt it always so? pfft!) i just stared on, stunned.

okay, okay. i'll cut the crap.

my beloved dog ChaCha got loose and never came back. ta-daaa...... beats the shit out of me, i miss her. but there was nothing i could do. my family looked high and low for her but she was nowhere to be found. so i guess it was meant to be. we lost her. that is what happened.

maybe she would come back after getting bored gallivanting (enough) outside our gates. maybe she will get very hungry, not having a full pot of meal like home. someday. probably. im still keeping my fingers crossed, and eyes open every time i drive out from home. a glimpse of her and off i will be to grab her and then chuck her into the car to be brought home. rainy days now. where could she possibly hide for shelter and warmth? i am half certain that someone has taken her and slain her into dog-soup. *palisssssssss palisssss jauh jauh* ishhh, those thoughts!

gosh. where are you???



  1. aw... I hope you've found ChaCha by now :S

  2. nope. still nowhere to be found. i guess she just wanna runaway. or maybe the other dog always bully her. sigh.


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)