October 22, 2009

the reason*

one thing happens after another, and one linked to another, and voila; the mixture of sugar sweetness and cold blooded-ness. marriage lets you annoy one special person, for the rest of your life. ;) this is too cute! well, not the part about annoying, but the combination of the annoyer and the one being annoyed is amusing to me.

there will come a day when you feel like shit, and you will wanna give up on this life and everything else. when that day arrives, save yourself some trouble and dont do a single thing. just breathe*. love is the slowest form of suicide, but the dying the most beautiful death. this is, subjective of course given the fact that noone in the right mind would have actually anticipate death.

l.o.v.e. is just a word, until you have found someone that gives it definition. often, we tend to despair when the people we love leaves us. but the truth is, they never left until you choose to leave the spaces blank in your mind where they belong. love, is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them enough not to.

isn't it funny, when in most girl's profile it is usually about that one boy. but in some boys', there are other girls...




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