October 09, 2009

it doesnt matter

not everyone is convinced and is able to hold strong onto something without certain particular reason or having a pillar of strength. anyone could be insecure, not anyone could pull through and holds on in a tough situation. especially a 'she', which is known for its emotional dependence.

the decadence of feelings could happen, and often it is not on the freewill of the owner. rather it should be perceived as the absence of security or happiness, at a glance.i should say that people does not forget, but the heart has a way of considering options that could redefine the meaning that the person is looking for...even though it means having to wander aimlessly for sometime, it helps by widening the options and the way of seeing things. but if in between *stars collide* well then it is just her luck ;)

...at the risk of offending, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious can contribute to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand.

1 comment:

  1. I think we're all confused at a time like this. I read somewhere that depression is on the increase, especially for our generation because things aren't as simple as it were before. There's so much change going on and most of the time, these changes change us too and that confuses us. We get lost. We forget who we are and what's important. Some find their way quickly, but most are left to wander. But the journey is always worth it. As long as you live life with no regrets and focus on the present, and future rather than dwelling in the past. :)
    "...even though it means having to wander aimlessly for sometime, it helps by widening the options and the way of seeing things." <-i really like this :)
    I hope you're getting there ;) :D


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)