October 08, 2009

life is fragile.

i am fragile.

i am now; an adult.
accountable to things other than myself? yes? no? maybe so...

when again will i be...
wide eyed, willing and ready?

can i face my fears?

will i be able to have that very conscience to deal with those very instincts that make me decide on things?

can i lose,
and then find the strength to come back...for more?

can i still anticipate the future,
knowing the possibilities of death and having circumstances in the midst?

what has had you pumping with adrenaline,
and yet brings you down low?

what has made you held your head high,
yet was not able to make you see things that are important?

what in reality gives you life,
and yet literally suffocates you like nobody's business and has noone noticing?

who would make all things worthwhile,
and brings meaning to this otherwise mundane life?

i could do so much more.
everyone could, if they would.
there is always so much that a person can take up to.
but with faith and hope, things could go a longgg way.

our existence is inevitably a divine creation that violates the law of men,
and upholds the inner spirituality that we possess- - each and every one of us; with or without our realization.

the notion of just being, cannot be, (in a way) binding us to what has to be and what's NOT to be.

we,in our own minds and senses decide and progresses.

whatever it is, a second later is still going to be a second later.

yesterday will still remain yesterday...

and all that was left of, will forever be pieces that forms us; flesh and blood, at the end of our time.

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thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)