October 19, 2009

lost and found*

the thing about being nonchalant is that i'd say, i'll have a time-lag for everything. this attitude would bring slow appreciations towards all things good or bad, big or small. well, appreciation comes in a lot of different forms though. and having to see things slowly and all, good thing is that you'd look through everything and likes what you see. the down side is that it takes up too much time, and by the time you start appreciating--things changed or is already gone.

people have formulas for almost everything on the face of the earth. we not only find solutions, but i do find that we actually make things a tad more complicated by thinking alone. the act of thinking makes things more difficult before things are being sorted out. EVERYTHING needs an overhaul, often. cuz all things break and fall; sooner or later!

incorrigible differences are meant to be that way! forcing things to work is just a waste of time, or rather, time fooling us all along...

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