October 12, 2009

making the most of MONdays*

dreadful isn't it, that Monday is the start of the week?

or some would insist that Sunday is the first day of the week.

the mention of both days doesn't make any sense to me, because the days of the week keeps repeating without an end. like a circle, how could you tell the starting point? there is an end to everything, literally. we could either take it as it is or make believe that it never exists; and live happily as always ;) anyhow, there still should be some kind of limit that we should at least prepare ourselves for, in this lifetime. well, we might as well greet each day as a brand new day; start or end of the week. whichever comes first in our very own time line. that should do OUR days justice. hmmm...

everyday i count my blessings, of having the things i have, and doing the things i am able to do. (although there are times that i become so self-absorbed that i missed all the little details and becomes the ultimate pain in the ass*) i am lucky, considering i can still whine* about almost anything--including the days of the week. pfft~ some people can only count the days to be alive, or maybe goes through hell just living through another day in certain harsh conditions that is unknown to me.

tsk tsk tsk

i am an accidentally whiner.

pardon me please :)

1 comment:

  1. Hiii dear!! Thanks for dropping by my blog... I didn't know you blogged too! Hehehehe. Looking forward to your posts ;)) Take care!


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)