August 22, 2011


you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you, and then you meet one person and your life has changed. forever. // jamie randal - love & the other drugs.

so, but that said, everything else is superficial. well, other than that of the normal things that we talk about on a daily basis. blood is thicker than water, friendship is forever, those kinda things. sometimes, i hate that i take things too seriously. and it happened before that because of that very trait i have (i was said to have), i was laughed at - a lot. but then again, the littlest thing annoys me. anything as much as caught my attention i could be walking on tip toe all day being all giddy and anxious and messed up and all that mixed up. it wasnt good. not good at all. it is bad. pure evil, for me. i hate that i pay so much attention to the things that i should not. i might not have had to overcome any fear or anxiety or nightmares coming right back at me over the time if it was not for these curiosity that sparked over things that i might or might not know, should not have been known, supposedly not to be known at all.

there might be some truth in that. all of that. although there isnt anything worth repeating. i just love repeating as it strengthens my nonexistent points.

the point is, i should have ignored irrelevant things. shouldnt i have?

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