August 28, 2011

august's secret

some thoughts, on a beautiful august;

love is - that feeling that you cant describe in words. it is when you can care for someone so deeply, and yet hate them at the same time. when you spend your nights awake wondering why you are hurting, when you are the happiest you have ever been. longing for someone you think about every single day. for me love is something to be cherished, it is something that i see many overlook and take for granted every single day. love is something that everyone has the chance to experience, if they would allow themselves to. love is what you use to describe that indescribable feeling, love is what guides you to the light within your own soul.

a simple outing to the movie with love(s) is always a comfort in disguise. these are the people that remains constant in my life. hopefully till the end of my time on earth. 

one drink could lead to tens of different topics and events to talk about. we are women, of substance. lol. now, this is a friendship that goes beyond anger, happiness, grief, attitude, personality(ies) and all that. trust me, we have more magic in our pockets than master houdini himself. C: 

a memorable surprise party these people organized for me is just overwhelming. i couldnt feel more blessed to be showered with attention like this. family love, and then this. these people are so good that i didnt see it coming at all, or wait, maybe it was just me - dumb enough to have not realized the weird things all month long. what was i thinking, that laying low and having a mellow simple birthday this year seems to go smoothly, when i have all these extraordinary people in my life. xoxo this will definitely be a day to remember for life.

one half of the culprits. teehee. 

obviously, this darling made me cringe in embarrassment. yes, embarrassment for being fooled by the whole absurd plot the whole time. lol. i was almost completely mad at him for ditching me on our date, and made me go all open-mouthed at the sudden change of plans i almost teared up feeling upset. but before i could reach home and hug a pillow and bawl, he makes things better again. just like that. sigh. this love-hate relationship i can never know how to handle. always on the verge of screaming and laughing! pfft. this, wraps up my birthday - month. 

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