December 08, 2010

sophisticated, not complicated.

i like you, no, i love you. you put up with all my bullshit, darling. : )

love is just a slogan. the relationship, the person you have, is everything. i have been waking up in the middle of the night with horrid feelings of un-ending un-sureness. but yet, he is still the one.

i guess he is that one person who will always be in my heart, he is that person who i would like to keep for the rest of my life. he is that person who i will always love, and will never have the will and strength to move on from. he is that person who i will always remember of making me feel special and of believing in me when no one else would. he is that person who will always make me giddy and make me smile brightly and widely. he is that person who will always understand me, or try to(?). he is that person who i will always get along with(by hook or by crook). he is that person who i cant imagine my life without. he is that person...

yiktian is that one person.

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thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)