December 12, 2010

kampung days over

there is a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it is not giving up. it is only realizing that you dont need certain people and their crap.

you are going to lose people in your life, no matter what. and i realize no matter how much time you spend with them, or how much you appreciate them or tells them so, it will never seem like it will ever be enough. eventually, people leaves. and you start a new cycle all over again. one thing for sure, being able to have certain people in your life, without the consideration of time and love spent, is a blessing in itself.

there are some people in life that makes you laugh a little louder, smile a little wider, and live a little bit better. no matter how little, it is definitely better!

ps: it has been great having a getaway weekend at the suburb, where it is almost like a whole new world and i get to find/know new stuff almost daily. im blessed to have the best of both worlds, old & new. amen.

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