December 13, 2010


it is one hell of a world out there. we have got to stand firm and prove our points if we were to exist, and not just being. accomplish small tasks as if they were great&noble, everybody!

im nostalgic for the hands which never intertwined and cheeks never blush and feelings never understood, but mostly, for the love that was never shared. i have taken up falling in love with rivers and mountains and other beautiful things when we could not find each other, and then the dreams that i have exploded with words i thought for everything. so many things in life we all could have had interest in. most of us knows things, but not a lot knows most things i realize. it is a scary world out there. there is just too much to know, to learn, to be happy and at the same time afraid of. it shocks me to find out about new things every single day, and it still amazes me.

everything happens for a reason. people change, so you can learn to let go. things go wrong so you can learn to appreciate them when they go right. you believe lies so that you will eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and hopefully your other half, or however that goes. and sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall together. this is often said, but not many can actually do and believe just that. i think we might as well just go on living in this hell of a world, good or bad.

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