December 06, 2009

sweet dreams*

what does sweet dreams mean to you? is it a good sleep at night? or a deep slumber filled with pleasant serotonin-inducing events or things in dreamland? or day time memories that is comparable to that of a dream?

for me, sweet dreams means so much more than just a good night's rest. but of course, it would be a part of that whole experience, that blissful rest. having sweet dreams or a beautiful nightmare? you decide.

being decidedly picky about that i want and need, i figured, always gives me that feeling of lingering longing for a temporary high. although short-lived, each dream represents an imaginary voyage that only the mind can conceive. like poetry, dreams are the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what is seen during a moment.


dream on, love.

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thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)