December 17, 2009

i should be*

...taking it easy!

am trying to.

everybody is.

i should too.

...hmmm, i just realized that it all rhymed! *big smile*
rest easy; things would all fall into its rightful place sooner or later. just need a little more perseverance.


  1. but don't you think that too much rest can breed stagnancy?


  2. Hey dear! How are u?? Hang in there whatever it is you're going thru! :)) *hugs*

  3. the. kisser: yes, it could. but never to be too harsh on yourself. correct me if im wrong here, but, who else, other than yourself could know better about your own limits ya?

    aima dear, it's just work and life in general. nothing crucial :) i hope you are always well too! keep blogging! hugs*


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)