December 04, 2009

a reminiscence*

some things are better left unsaid. some memories are better kept at heart. we cannot rewind, nor intervene what is gonna happen. love is so hard to find, so when you do find it--hang on to it.

girl. twenty-two. pure blood. love. HIM. need to breathe. always & forever. google-ing everything. late nights. sweet surrender. friends & family. long walks. conversations. good meal. topsy-turvy world. mountains. beach. sunshine. flowers. colors. my man's scent. moving things. the wind. raindrops. happily ever after. smiles & laughters. the idea of heaven. hugs& kisses. body contact. good times.

... and the list goes on and on and on and on and on!

good things in my life. now. hopefully in the future too. still. maybe more.


1 comment:

  1. i'm glad to know you're happy! :D
    hold on to it as long as you can because the ride's not over though. It will be taken away someday, maybe briefly, maybe for a long time so appreciate what you have before it goes away again. ;)


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)