December 20, 2009

just how much?

if your intention is to change yourself, you will end up right where you start. if your intention is true self-knowledge, and you are willing to let go; you will never be the same :)

women are innately self-conscious. this is not a choice; it's a gender-wide condition. what i understand by this statement is that
justification and illusion cannot bring real value to false ideas any more than they can to counterfeit jewels. hmm, i wonder how many would actually appreciate women and her antics. i sometimes cant appreciate too much of myself, which is normal i guess. dont get me wrong though. i love me, but not to the extent of being narcissistic.

so, the question is;

just how much do you appreciate yourself? in case you are a guy, how much do you appreciate women?

1 comment:

  1. i loved your opening statement!
    i've been on a quest of self love, self awareness, self acceptance and self intellgence. it's a quest that hopefully will never end, because when it does, it's time for me to die.

    thanx for a great post to ponder.


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)