December 02, 2009

rain, pendants and guitars*

life's short.
to hell with normality!

silence. nobody listens to all those silent longings.

whispers. only nobody reacts.

what? are we living a norm that we call life? what? do you expect life to be interesting when you are living that nine to five scheduled cycle? sometimes we are all acting out of our ridiculed weaknesses. so i still think we all do, not to disregard a few courageous ones who did actually live outside the big-black-box-of-regularity that we have fallen into ever since we have grown out of our adolescence phase of curiosity and fearlessness. how pitiful are we going round and round this never-ending circle that brings us doom.

we are all living in a stereotyped world, where in everything there is a standard to it. even if it is good to you, that something could still bring negative reviews if it is already in certain category. you are happy, but nobody understands you when your feelings are out of the stereotyped response. when are we gonna really have OUR own lives when everything is not yours to be and not yours to do? i despair in all these restrictions that bring us death. law, yes, to a certain extend. and no, when it is biased and is poking fun at humanism with its truckload of reasons.

life's short.


to hell with normality. again.


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