December 03, 2009

collecting memories*

i was thinking, just randomly, about what would happen when we die? it is only me, or is it normal that i always have flashes of bad things through my mind several times a day. things like awful accidents, or ugly things happening in which me or people i know are in. thank goodness none of it came true or i would have died 'seeing' those things happening and not able to do anything to prevent them.

that last moment.

that last breath.

but truth be told, we wouldnt come close to knowing unless being in that crucial state ourselves. and i bet that time it wont be a good thing at all, knowing what it feels like then.

if the universe conspires, and melt our lives into beautiful memories that we can hold on to... what would it be like?

ps: Dec 3rd R.I.P Harris Izham. you meant so much to me as a person... may the good God bless you always!

1 comment:

thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)