March 15, 2010

march-ing thru*

i dont remember when was the last time i felt so torn between decisions. yeah, i may be a fickle minded person at times but let me tell you, i have never been so bothered my whole life. what would you do? would you even consider yourself hopping into an airplane half a world away for six months(or more) and leave everything behind knowing that things will never be the same again? or would you just stay where you are and submerge yourself with great moments shared with loved ones?

i miss how it feels like when you make silly faces to steal a smile from me. i miss those times when i catch you glancing over at me. i miss how it feels when your hand approaches mine and claim it as yours. i miss listening to your heart speak. literally. i miss how warm it is to be in your arms. i miss your gentle whisper on my ear.

all these. even when it was just seconds ago. we could go on forever and ever and ever and ever...

in pain;
the best kind of love is when you have no expectations at all. nuf said.

disappointment ;
an aspiring woman-to-be who loves the idea of living on a jetplane and on-the-go every moment, but is settled for now just hanging out with friends and family and the *occasional* derailment from the made-up-path. would love to watch people, or rather, people watching me, but yea, i am still stuck up here clicking on the mouse and typing my way into cyberworld instead. i dream up the music of my life and amuses myself with making up stories to lull me to sleep every night. pathetic? not yet. content? not really. but pleased. yea, i guess. for not getting into trouble, yet.

letting go;

all these...


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