March 09, 2010

lost in translation

sometime ago, i gave up on perfectionism(i doubt it is really a virgo thing though) and sort-of-fully-embraced going-with-the-flow (used to dislike that non-committal phrase so much). i must say that the stress level doesnt decrease with this new philosophy. the ever constant stress of making sure you didnt forget anything with your lists is replaced by the ever constant stress of wondering if you already have forgotten something. i am the ultimate scatter brain.

i am quite envious of people who arent held back by their past. people who pick up and move on and look forward to the future. i hate that im always reminiscing and longing for the comfort of things i have preserved in my memory. how does one change something so ingrained in their personality?

no, it is not the circumstances and what not, but the comfort in not growing up. i guess it is time to really look out for myself now...and not letting my inner more-timid-me take over all over again..

1 comment:

  1. You know that song 'So Long, Astoria' by The Ataris? There's a part of the lyrics that go "life is only as good as the memories we make.." which, in my opinion, is true to some extent. You just have to understand that memories are products of the past; and you can't change that. You can, however, make new memories from what you have now. You never know, it may be even better. ;)


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