April 07, 2011

cocktails, dinner & dancing

it is effin april already!

...and we thought there is eternity ahead of us. oh gosh. who are we fooling here huh? life just dont get easier. everyday is a struggle. everyday is a battle. it doesnt get easier with time. in fact, it gets harder. the secret is finding someone who is willing to work with you and who will push you, challenge you, makes it harder for you to leave and give up. the beauty is in the struggle.

we need to be hurt once in a while. (not that i am even a bit fond of being hurt, but i really think it is necessary in ways to truly appreciate) how else will we learn not to make the same mistakes? we need to get left outside in the rain, we need to be forgotten. we need to feel alone, and we need to learn what it feels like to love someone who has no intention of loving you back. because, eventually someone who truly cares about you will come into your life. and if it were not for these past mistakes, you would not have even realized how beautiful it feels to be loved.

...one fine day, i danced in the rain - and he danced as well. the warmest time of my life.

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