November 23, 2010

make epic wishes

yes, do it.

i would rather die young, or live forever. freaky sentence. i know. i love differently. if there is forever in my vocabulary, i make it mean millions of dollars in each day. well, literally, in memory and what not that it brings in the love i give. there is a whole other world in everything that i could do, me and you, everybody can do with sincere intentions each day. like that, and just that, beautiful memories can be created. why wait forever? why settle and wonder if forever happens? i think forever is a day. we could make forever out of a day just as perfect or maybe more perfect than what forever is, if it ever comes.

my forever, is love- as broad as the context of love is, and more love. happiness is next, which naturally comes with love and with happiness too we have the rest. essentially, i feed my forever. i feed it with my dreams, my care, my anger, my smiles, all that i have. that forever, in time, will show me what it means in due time. the end of time, maybe, but by then i would have outlived my many forevers. having 20years as many forevers is already a blessing. so i guess by the time people realises their forever im already six feet under, making my next string of forever ever after...

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