July 14, 2010

love is you and i.

we're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions. moral choices. some are on a grand scale, but most of these choices are on lesser points. but we define ourselves by the choices we make.we are, in fact, the sum total of our choices.events unfold so unpredictably and unfairly that human happiness doesnt seem to have been included in the design of creation. it is only we, with our ability to love that gives meaning to an indifferent universe. and yet most human beings have the ability to keep trying and even to find joy in the simple things. their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more.

--Woody Allen

love is the scars on your knees, the leftover food in the refrigerator, the song the birds sing, the pain you inflict, the sweet nothingness which flutters from your lover's mouth, a half-complete cigarette, coke which fizzles on your tongue, the rainbow sprinkles on your cupcake, the pattered package you received in the mail the other day, the sound of wind escaping through a small gap in your window, the dampness in your hair, the chipped red varnish on your fingernails, your grandmother's musical box, the ballet shoes you have had since you were five, the music playing on your car stereo, the flaky paint on your walls, the bubblegum stuck under desks, your hands and the things you can make with them, the kisses you blow, the clothes you wear, 5 am morning breath, your sensitive teeth, the tingly feeling you get when you get touched at certain parts of your body, the tangles in your lover's hair, sleepless nights, overdosing on laughter, undeserved success and recognition, telling lies and not getting caught, clacking out from consuming too much food, being desired by multiple parties, solving a mathematical problem, watching the people around you, smudged mascara, disheveled hair, the coffee and ham you digest on a daily basis, innocence of little children, silence, recyclable materials, trees, photosynthesis, growth, development...

no. love is you, i and a careless mixture of everything else we worry about.

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