July 26, 2010


i think that grace and elegance is in the way a girl portrays herself and not shown through status and wealth. i think a comfortable dose of girlishness would go a long way for a miss. being pretty and having closets of pretty things can only get you so much, but not more than what beautiful personality and having a class and pride of being yourself. having said that, i, still have a lot more to learn. knowing people, and learning through experiences all this while, i have had better picture of how to treat myself and others better. well, of course the initial intention is to treat people worthy of good and equal treatment, but why degrade yourself by judging others of their worth? why degrade? i think there is only a thin line separating being judgmental and hypocrisy, thus degrading yourself to that standard of opinion. and so, treating (generally)people with good intentions should be practiced always, but not to the extend of hurting yourself. so therefore, we have got to at least set a limit to not be going overboard on being nice sometimes. these things tend to be taken for granted by some. by saying people who are worthy or not, i dont mean people who are of benefit to you or such. what i am saying is just a my way of generally labeling people who will appreciate your good deed, or not. that, is of course for each individual to decide.

the first thing to understand about the universe is that no condition is good or bad. it just is. so stop making value judgments. the second thing to know is that all conditions are temporary. nothing stays the same, nothing remains static. which way a thing changes depends on you. i think we are like a candle. imagine we are sending light out all around us. all our words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. if we say something kind, our kind words go in many directions, and we ourselves go with them.

by the way, here is a random comment im posting here with this post. i really love this scent. i think if you love flowery sensual fragrance, this is a must-get! love love love! :)

ps: i MUSt get this. but it is pretty darn expensive. sigh.

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