September 20, 2011

tuesday plan!

now, now, the september plan was to surprise this little missy who gave me highs&lows on my own birthday. so she has got a similar but better (maybe) treatment from all of us friends (and her very loving bf) who sayang her.

the whole plan was really scary as all of us were really busy and schedule was tight. thank goodness everything did come together in the end. she was happy, we think. lol.

here, is what good friends did;
 the birthday girl, obviously!
the couple. part of the mastermind (boyfie of the birthday girl) and the celebrity of the day.

hmm, that day everything started pretty normal. presents were given by all of us like a normal weekday workday kinda birthday, in the office. no hanky-panky. then all throughout the day we were still trying to sort things out, hopeful that things will go smoothly as planned.

...and it did! sort of. teehee. i bet she thought it was a dinner only with her love, at this north indian restaurant we picked for the beautiful ambiance and decor. well, plus, being seated at a designated platform over-seeing the chefs making those whatdoyoucallitstuffonironsticks, gross but so naissssss.

so, anyways, happy birthday Cynthia!

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