March 29, 2011

mental mentruation

i know it sounds gross, but yes, that is what happening to me. i think.

something is definitely wrong with me. dont start saying this is stupid or try to laugh at me, at all. im saying this in an understated-serious-tone-maybe-not-shown-through-words now.

those mood swings are really something arent they? that superficial happiness is the best thing you have come across in as long as you can remember and it is beautiful. it is like you are floating in pink clouds eating candies and dancing like your life depends on it. and in that moment in time you feel invincible and nothing can get to you, you feel like you can bring the whole world together and make a ground-breaking difference in this chaos you live in. but then melancholy tints your euphoria and it feels like you are falling, falling, falling back to the ground and a great big hand is clutching at your heart as it weeps and weeps and weeps.

okay. that is about how dramatic i could get, for now.

thank you.

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