September 02, 2010

guitar keys & piano strings

just living is not enough. one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
-- hans christian andersen

i have been ungrateful a lot of times in my life, but most of the times, i realized is that i am just ranting nonsensical disagreement with my actually colorful life. which is really not very grateful of me. but really, who wouldnt wanna wish for a string of good luck plus many streaks of pure joy all the way through life? i do, love people serenading me with lovely tunes and well, maybe a little sugar coated truths wouldnt hurt. just not let it be lies. different things could be music to the heart for different individuals. different preferences suit different personalities. that is the way it goes. everything is always going to change, but we should know best what makes us content and what makes us unhappy.

for all these, i thank a lot of people and things for always breezing through my hardships, daily struggles, and for just being a pebble i stumble on. it might have been a good thing, even if it has just given me something else to remember a day by...

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