November 23, 2009

my very own

looking clearly at our mistakes, i am finding myself doing many mistakes. some were regrettable, but not all. some were depressing and exceptionally overwhelming. not all are bad, some were just plain right! i guess some were really meant to be, making you a happier person despite all the previous falls. we are all bound to ups and downs in life, these happens to either make or break you during its course.

the events we went through pose dilemmas. are we to;

avoid the thoughts of it all?
look back at the mistakes?
be happy or sad?

happiness or sadness about these, are partly out of our control.

There are a few caveats, however.

first, sometimes what we deem "the right way" is not realistic. knowing the right way that is out of our realistic practical ability is of no use. second, since we are bound to make mistakes, much of what we need to learn is about how to handle life with our given behaviors. not merely knowing the optimal way of acting.

there is a lot of practical wisdom in learning to handle our life given our weaknesses and stupidity. not necessarily with one absolute solution. decision makings have long been a debated issue, on whether one is right or wrong. deciding on one's free will, or being influenced or made to decide on things have totally different meanings to the decisions that were made. one may talk about truth. but truth lies with both sides, since what matters is the meaning of free will rather than its technical (so called "philosophical" truth). truth is how people understand and perceive the statement, rather than its legal meaning. since most discussions of free will ignore the meaning problems mentioned above, the talk about truth is empty. truth is with the ultimate meaning of what you talk about, not in being technically right but wrong in the implications and common understanding. (aside of that, having a better life and world is clearly more important for normal persons than "truth").


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)