November 18, 2009

i feel like...

...dancing !

let's turn on that jukebox and dance till our feet cant feel the ground anymore. it is times like this that you learn to live again. it is little things like this that makes the world go round. those little things, that makes the biggest part of you breaks down into the simplest form of feeling, happiness. we could be horribly awkward, or excruciatingly cynical, at first. either way we had only ourselves. there will always be another day, but not another you.

i appreciate subtlety a lot. though i think i have the apprehension of foreseeing certain parts of my future, the dreams, the views ahead. i still wait for it to happen. i suppose things should happen slowly, but subtly fast at the same time. i guess a part of me wants it to be perfectly within expectation, and another part wants it thrilling and wonderfully eventful. pffft. that is, the contrasting personality needs i believe most people have! aint it true? :)


  1. i'll dance with you, dancing does have the ability to force you to only focus on the happiness of the now and not the expected happiness of the future.


  2. yes, and leaving behind miseries of past and doubts of future for even a brief few mins makes it more bearable at times when things are rough :)


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)