November 17, 2009


separate work and personal issues.

i cant.


i simply cant. there's no 'why'.

not professional? yea, am not.

when im sad, im sad. i dwell in my sadness for a while. think. regain composure. sanity pours in. and then i get back to reality! i dont conceal my them, sadness. i dont make it a public affair neither do i crave sympathy or empathy or whatsoever-ty. i just show it as it is. i'd cry, maybe, most probably; typical. i dont exude negativity. it just happens that the sadness shines brighter than my smile at times. is it an offense?

if so, i should probably get an MC every single time im upset. because if it is so abnormal it could be a disease. dot.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you. if i'm pissed and people ask me how i am, i don't say fine, cause i'm not. negativity sucks, but being honest doesn't.



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