August 06, 2014


so right now am on a long break, literally, trying to figure out all the time i have having quit my day-job and looking at the world from my bed at twelve o'clock at noon time. opening up old emails, blogs and other social media tool that i havent been paying much attention to when i am working and on the move, i found so much to read and to catch up on that is actually beautiful - more beautiful than the news that we all currently have on our screens and reality.

there is so much disappointment and sadness in life nowadays, but i find my fair share of happiness and encouragement in a man that pulls everything back together when i feel like my world is falling apart. he does not have a doctorate degree, but he feeds me with so much wisdom that i took so much less time banging walls to figure them out myself. now to set things straight, he could be more than i bargained for but i am going to stay and see if this ride would take me further than i have in mind.

until i get a clear picture on how to summarize the past year in my posts, i shall go to bed every night with a dream and then wake up with purpose.

yes, shall do that.

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