December 13, 2011

itsy-bitsy december

look on the bright side, we all say, but we couldnt help but be shocked of how time flies especially when it is the last month of the year already. the last of something, anything, would make you ponder longer on things that have passed and things that have lasted. where and what we have done, how and why did we do it, who did what and the questions and answers span a thousand miles. i could have waited till im gray to ask these questions, but nobody knows how long we could be living - at all. i never thought i would catch anything that i caught before, at my age, which is still considerably young-ish. hmm. but hey, i did!

ohh, and regrets...i have a list too. but it doesnt matter how long that list goes i had my time with them and life goes on. believe it or not, they haunt me. still. they do. but i couldnt just keep paddling in my own ocean of tears. i dive, now. 

as cliche as it sounds, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. i am not stronger, but i am not weak enough to admit i am broken. at this point all i can do is to go on. whatever that could happen, it will. or will not. 

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