August 27, 2010

looking left, 'stead of right

it is okay. it is okay to want something you cant have. it is okay to want something more. it is okay to cry when you are hurt, and it is okay to stay mad at someone who hurt you. believe it or not, it is always going to be okay. that is just how it works. sometimes things dont work out how you want them to, and most of the time, it seems like they never will. but eventually, everything is going to smooth out some way or another. you just have to believe, keep your faith, and move on.

i still dont understand how i could feel so okay one moment and only to have everything come crashing down the next. it is like the world is playing some cruel joke on me. the horrible thing is that once you realize what it feels like to be happy, sadness is no longer numbness. you can feel it like a giant black hole in your stomach that sucks the life out of you...

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