August 26, 2010

birthday '10

9.nine. could it be better than this, and the meaning behind this? if there is forever, it would be a lifetime of love and good times! 26-08-10.

i guess pictures say it all...
birthday eve, mosaic*, Hyatt--KK. 25-08-2010.

happiness + = big fat jolly time! i had to thank everybody for everything. nothing fancy-smancy but i guess i was overwhelmed, a bit. big big hugs to all and especially you for these memory i'll carve in my heart for always!

the rest of the week is only more awesome-ness! even being sick couldnt slow me down...


  1. Happy belated birthday. :)

  2. thank you. and thanks, for still following...for why-ever that is. take care, you.

  3. for the one i loved/hated.


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)