September 04, 2012

to expedite control back to work, on a very sunny September week. September is here(for the past three days, oops!) and here we go counting down to another brand new month. time and time again we remind ourselves to step out of the box and do something about ourselves/our lives/our family/our friends/our community. what do you actually write in your diaries or daily journals? is it only on your diet plans, or your whole outlook towards the past, present or the future?
lately, i have been digging through old journals and scribbles from old notebooks in an effort to rediscover myself. what i envisioned myself to be from the eye of my 15-year-old self, what was most important to be, growing up(in my own words) and what exactly are my priorities now. i browse through relevant&unrelevant sources from the internet, have random inquisitive conversations with people from many walks of life, i talk to myself...literally. no, im not going bonkers, but yes, i talk to myself - or to my dogs. i know that i have come to a lot of significant realizations from those silly banters. what you actually tell yourself without being overly conscious of your surroundings or to be overly sensitive of another being's feelings is a revelation of some sort in itself. you tell yourself what you really want to, from the heart to the heart. simple. then think. not think of what you wanted to say before saying it to yourself, then what is the difference from holding a normal daily conversation with people? just listen to yourself, always give some time to yourself above the rest. you will feel better.
note: dont have to really talk to yourself, though.
i wont say that i failed myself in any ways or that i have succeeded much. what i know for sure is that i improved myself and learnt things that i ought to learn in my process of living this life. i have got my fair shares of tangible and magical moments. to say the least, as normal as my life would seem i think it is only wise to say that i lived it the way many couldnt have been able to, at my age.
curiosity often brings many surprises. i think that without the urge to want to experience something new, something that you dream about, there seem to have no push for you to reach for that particular matter.
 Sears Tower Glass Balcony, credits to Jared Newman (via
im ending this post with this amazing photo of a glass balcony. the whole dreamy setting even in broad daylight makes me slightly more enthusiastic for possibilities that even more awesome things will be done.
cheers! xo

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