August 10, 2012

i did it.

i made the big decision. a decision totally on my own. with support from all the key people in my life i think i could work this and other worse things.

so, where to go from here?

the usually serious dude in the office talked in a very compromising manner to me when we spoke. nonetheless, i felt a lot more lighthearted after spilling my hearts out to a stranger of some sort. there are so much possibilities in the world that i could have this brave heart into. we will see...

what happens to the comfort zone that i will be leaving? all the things that i have became familiar with all these years, im throwing away in hope of a better prospect - a future i could start afresh in. this could probably mean one thing, that my mind have grown up. grown to learn to take or let go, that is best for myself and the people around me.

things take time. yes, they do.

i am taking my time now.

my time to grow...


  1. "The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences."
    I was moved and inspired by your post. Thank you for sharing, and good luck in the future!

  2. Thank you for reading, Ivan. It was in that brief moment of realization that it is 'now or never' - for me. i wish you the best as well! checked out your blog, very interesting :)


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)