February 22, 2011

imysssm ):

i cant help it but think what actually does soulmate means? why the eff does everybody seem to be in love but dont know what or who they are loving?

lately i have been distraught, not because there is a hurricane inside of my mind. just because, i feel like a mess being in bigger messes. just saying...
i miss you. you complete me. like, really. ):

1 comment:

  1. Good grief, do you really think that everyone else is utterly delusional in love?
    It is this very post of yours that piqued my fancy as you mused over the idea of a soulmate.
    Many elect to equate soulmate with spouse. I believe that soulmate cannot awarded in retrospect that way, like a concessionary lease or an afterthought. For those who have had the grand fortune to actually wed their soulmate, they win my eternal envy.
    The tragic truth is that we don't all get the opportunity to marry our soulmates. There are some of us yet, who don't get so much as a chance to even meet our soulmate. Bittersweet then those who do, for the twain yet unmeshed occurences of knowing yet never being able to preserve such an encounter.
    Whilst I do not claim to definitively own the meaning of soulmate, I do know that it is not synonymous with kindred spirit or best friend.
    I expect you will know when you meet yours; this one person with whom nothing needs to be justified, proven or explained. All answers lie in this person, yet no answers are asked for and all questions are hushed. There is quiet and clamourous conversation, all manner of passion yet satiety.
    I do hope this is where you will find not just your soulmate, but also yourself.


thank you for sending me love/hate note ;)