May 10, 2015

because there is so much to say

sometimes i will look down at my watch 3consecutive times and still not know what time it is. that is the effect of long holiday not having a job to wake up for and doing all the things that my body&mind will thank me for. 

it started out with a fist bump whenever we meet and say hi every day. little did we both know would become lying down in the middle of the road at midnight, partially drunk, looking at non-existent stars in the sky. well, i initiated the the lying down part but i wasn't sure at all why the heck i did that. my head was already spinning from the multiple funny concoctions made by the bartender with a tennis outfit. i am totally free to express whatever that is on my mind and we connect on a different level, mutually. 

sometimes we just talk about people and life. other times it could be only about our own body and it could last us hours or days on the same broad subject. things would never get bored. kisses and more kisses, playing mind games that only we know and understand without speaking a word to each other. completing each other's sentence with the exact meanings - cliche but real. 

just randomly going to the park or just sit in a saloon for a spontaneous blow-dry. goodness, those were easily the happiest decisions i have made. i wish sometimes that things are just that simple, and it is - with you. all sorts of complicated shit we thought was relevant but then we shrugged it off like we had the same mechanism of thoughts. how could two person be so intimate but yet being on the opposite side of the globe?

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