January 04, 2012


you should know you are not on your own, these secrets are walls that keep us alone. i dont know when, but i know now, together we will make it through somehow. 

like this, we know we always have hopes and dreams to look forward to. i think when in doubt, feel - dont listen too much to that little voice inside. i guess for me it distracts me and makes things more complicated than it is. i tend to hyperventilate and panic when things differ from what i expect, so having that concerned inner voice doesnt help either. i try to block it out and create diversions for myself, just so i could ease into being comfortable with some certain changes in my life. easier said than done, there shall be lots of falls and tears before i could actually feel that i am able to handle things slowly. but it gets better, with time. time doesnt really heal, but it does wonders to what you could do or think. i owe so much to pain and sudden fixations of fate for my ohh-so-interesting-but-unexpectable-life.  reflections of concurrent lives passes before me and who would have known that these actually makes up a big part of this life? ahh, just as i learn to walk, i am forced to run. like everybody else, this is not the beginning nor the end. this is the continuing revelation that we have to embrace in our every breath.

this is life.

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